Sunday, March 17, 2019

Spring arrives - Crooked River camping getaway

Lowell gets out of the garage

Winter in Bend started off slow and mild.  Then mid February hit and we were snow-bound for three weeks.  Spring finally arrived this weekend and we celebrated with an overnight camping trip to the Crooked River Canyon.  Sun and 60 degree temps felt wonderful.  No crowds, a river at our doorstep, and the song of canyon wrens in the cliffs made out stay a perfect antidote to the cabin fever I have been feeling lately.  With backyard getaways like this, however, it is hard to feel sorry for yourself.  Good to get out!

Crooked River Canyon

My kind of campsite
Maria and I returned to the same spot a couple of weeks ago - VERY high flow!

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Winter 2019: Tumalo Falls

Tumalo Falls

Winter finally arrived in Bend about two weeks ago.  Two plus feet of snow in Bend and cold, very cold, temperatures for this time of year.  It has been beautiful.  The skiing has also been great.  Maria and I cross country skied to Tumalo Falls on Saturday.  It was a beautiful, sunny morning at the house when we left, then a snow storm on the ski in to the falls.  Spectacular views of the falls and its impressive ice shroud.  A good day.