Monday, February 18, 2019

Presidents Day Weekend Coast Trip

Tillicum Beach

As folks flooded into Central Oregon for the long Presidents Day weekend, we headed west to the Oregon coast.  It was a good call.  The weather broke perfectly for us - lots of sun and little wind at the coast and no crowds.  We enjoyed mostly empty campgrounds and deserted beaches.  It was a perfect weekend of camping and exploring the central Oregon coastline.

Moody Winter Light at Tillicum Beach

One of Our Favorite Campsites

Near Devil's Punchbowl

Also Near Devil's Punchbowl

Monday, February 04, 2019

Otter Bench

Looking downstream

I had never hiked Otter Bend, an eight mile loop on BLM land just outside Crooked River Ranch.  A Saturday with nothing planned gave us the opportunity.  It is only 45 minutes from home, it was sunny, and virtually nobody was there, all of which made for a great time.  This is basically a hike along a bench above the same gorge that I have marveled at from the Ogden Scenic Overlook for years so it was a treat.  Good to see something new in my own backyard.

Looking upstream

Crooked River, up close

Death Valley 2019

Rhyolite Ghost Town

Our annual winter desert sun trip for 2019 took me to Death Valley National Park.  The federal government shutdown somewhat limited our access, but with over three million acres there was plenty to see.  We covered many miles of back roads in a rented Ford Expedition, Death Valley is BIG, but we got to see some awesome places.  A highlight was getting to the Racetrack and seeing the moving rocks (not moving, of course).  Sadly, people have driven on the playa and actually seem to have taken some of the rocks (!) but it remains a magical place.  Five days of 70+ sunshine spent exploring an amazing desert landscape with friends was just what the doctor ordered.  And there remains much to be seen there; I will return.

Yucca "forest" on the way to Racetrack Playa

Views from off trail ramble south of the Racetrack

The Racetrack

Darwin Falls

Falls above Darwin Falls (worth the scramble)

Ken inside Marble Canyon
Artist's Paintpot

View over Badwater to Telescope Peak from Dante's Point

Red Rock Canyon, NV