Friday, December 18, 2015

Smith Rock State Park day hike

The Crooked River in Smith Rock State Park

Now that I live in Bend there is a whole new world of quick getaways available for my days off. This Friday I headed to Smith Rock.  I had the entire park to myself when I arrived at 8AM, which was glorious.  Smith Rock will always be special to me.  It was here, over 30 years ago, that we'd go to escape the Valley gloom in the winter (or spring or fall).  Back then there weren't nearly as many climbers as now, but it is nice to know that solitude and silence can still be experienced here, even for just a morning.

From certain angles it really DOES look like a monkey's face, unfortunately

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Finally; Winter!

The trees looked inviting

We've been solidly in the Pacific storm track so far since Thanksgiving.  A great change compared to last year.  Ken and I went up to Bachelor last Friday and had a great time playing in the snow.  It is always great to spend a winter day outside.

That's Ken up there