Monday, June 14, 2010

Play time

Biking along the Deschutes River Canyon
This past weekend I had some time on my own so I spent a night over in Bend.  Saturday was biking day - exploring Bend and the surrounding trails.  Sunday I spent hiking the Badlands Wilderness area.  I used to scoff when others described Central Oregon as a "playground".  Well, I scoff no more.  There truly are a ton of activities to be engaged in around here.  I plan to do them all...

In the Badlands

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Lava Lands

Broken Top across Lava Butte's fairly recent flows
It has been a while since I have made the time to post anything here.  I started a new job and that seems to have taken much of my time.  We also have been spending a fair amount of time in Bend and Central Oregon.  Over Memorial Day we hosted friends from Olympia and explored the Lavalands area.  The newly remodeled visitor center (which I had last seen in sixth grade), Lave Butte, Lave River Caves, etc... Living around here we take it all for granted, but there are some pretty remarkable volcanic features right in our backyard.  The weather in the Pacific Northwest has been nothing short of terrible in May and so far in June.  We are tired of it and look forward to summer.  I hope el nino fades away and is not replaced by a la nina too soon.  Here's to summer!