Friday, February 20, 2015

No winter so far in 2015

Hendricks Park, Eugene
So far, it has been spring in the Pacific Northwest despite what the calendar says.  Highs in the 60's with flowers busting out all over the place.  I am not ready to call it quit on winter - still too much skiing I want to do - but I sure enjoyed the walk in the park this morning.

Sunday, February 08, 2015

Anthony Lakes

Finally made it out to Anthony Lakes Ski area. Well worth the effort to get out there. It wasn't powder but it was beautiful and we enjoyed a couple nights in a yurt up there.
Looking out to the Elkhorn Crest from the top of the lift

Tuesday, February 03, 2015

Salem in a nutshell

This historic marker, awkwardly wedged in a muddy strip of ground between the street and sidewalk, marks the birthplace of Salem. As such, it perfectly symbolizes the character of this drab, auto oriented city. A side benefit of working in Salem for me is that it has improved my opinion of Eugene markedly. Glad not to live here!