Thursday, September 13, 2012

Youngs Rock and Moon Point day hike

Dry meadow on way up to Youngs Rock

Alan and I picked one of the warmest days in weeks to climb 3,000 feet, six miles up a south facing ridge to Youngs Rock and Moon Point above the Middle Fork Willamette River.  It was well worth it though, a very interesting and diverse hike with absolutely nobody else around.  I love the solitude and exploring a new place.  Great way to spend a Friday off from work.

Youngs Rock from Moon Point

Rabbit Brush, in bloom, well west of the Cascade crest?

Labor Day at Waldo

Waldo Lake
Another Labor Day weekend and another Waldo Lake get-together.  Perfect late summer weather, including some light frost in the morning.  Went on a long hike through the old Rigdon Lakes burn area; it is looking really great.  Nice to see the rejuvination.  Some day we'll learn, as a society, to accept and embrace forest fires and their aftermath as a part of the ecology of forests. 

Olympic Peninsula

Second Beach sea stack
This year I got to tag along for the Olympic Peninsula August trip.  We were joined by Rafael, age 12, from France with us and Philipp, age 13, from Germany.  It was quite an international summit at the coast.  We spent a perfect day at Second Beach and then enjoyed some rain forest dampness.  A long drive, but good to spend some time on the Bogie.
Second Beach, perfect summer day

Hoh rain forest, Trail of the Mosses