Sunday, August 05, 2012

San Diego

San Diego skyline

I got off the trail in the Sawtooths on a Thursday late morning, ate a post hike feast in Stanley, then proceeded to drive, with my brother, to Bend where we spent a quick night.  The next morning it was up and out early so I could get to Eugene in time to de-stinkify and head to the airport for a flight to San Diego. I attended the ESRI GIS user conference there for a full week.  Really great conference and San Diego is a nice enough place though it really makes no sense to leave the Pacific Northwest in July where it is a perfect 85 degrees each day in order to spend a week on the beach in southern Cal, where it was in the mid 70's with a borderline cold wind each afternoon.  Oh well, the conference was great and I was ready to be home when I returned.


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