Saturday, November 18, 2006

Fog in the Valley

On the Ridgeline Trail in South Eugene
The fog is back. Typical of late November or early December, after some moist weather (we've had 8 inches of rain so far this month in Eugene), cool and relatively stagnant air will enter the valleys of the Pacific Northwest. In the southern end of the Willamette Valley, as it does in most of our enclosed basins and valleys, this usually leads to persistent fog. Today's does not burn off at all. Most days the sun will come out by afternoon. A quick hike from my home to the Ridgeline Trail, which straddles the south hills crest above Eugene, is enough to rise above the fog and obtain some much-needed sunlight. The next rain storm will push the fogs away and begin the cycle anew.


At 4:31 PM, Blogger Hildaly González said...

Felicitaciones son hermosas tus fotos del Medio Ambiente, también tengo un blog donde trato de crear conciencia Ecológica. Te invito a verlo y dejar tu comentario. Un beso, un abrazo y mi admiración para ti. Esta es mi página web.


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