Wednesday, August 04, 2010

Bend to Eugene - the long way

The family poses in front of the North and Middle Sister at McKenzie Pass
Over the previous weekend, Maria, William and I had driven over to Bend.  We had a fantastic time - doing Bend stuff.  Maria had decided to spend the week over there and I, not wanting to bring two vehicles for the three of us, decided I would bike home to Eugene from the top of McKenzie Pass.  William had not been to the pass, which is one of my favorite places in the world, since he was a baby.  So we drove up Sunday morning, enjoyed some time at Dee Wright Observatory in the utter stillness of the Belknap lava fields, then I took off west while Maria and William headed back east to Bend.  It was an epic downhill on the fresh, narrow asphalt of old Hwy 242 - like bike riding in a national park except nobody else was around.  After dropping 3,000 feet to the main highway at McKenzie Bridge, I then re-joined the real world and made my way home, a total ride of 86 miles.  I don't need to ride the lower stretch again, particularly not on a 95 degree day with a strong headwind, but I will ride the old road again.  Next time I will ride UP it (after bombing down it).  Too much fun.  It is truly a treat to live in the Pacific Northwest.


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